Check out the 2022-2023 School Calendar. This is also available on our website at the top of the home page: https://ccps.crispschools.org

For the 2022-2023 school year:

Congratulations to our May Students of the Month! They are being recognized for having courage. Yay!

Congratulations to our April Students of the Month. These students exhibited perseverance and have been recognized with a certificate and free ice cream ticket. Way to go!

FoodFinder is a mobile and web app created by a graduate of Georgia public schools that allows families to find food distribution sites (including food pantries, drive-through distributions, and school meal providers) based on their location.
The app is free, not-for-profit, and available in the following locations:
Web | App Store | Google Play

Our students can't wait to paint over the summer! We are so proud of our talented students. Thanks to generous donors from DonorsChoose every student in our school is getting a paint set of their very own on the last day of art class. We can't wait to see what they create!

Ms. Kathy and Mrs. Marina's last STEM day projects!

Summer Countdown Art Day and Board Game days were a success for Mrs. Sloan’s class!!

Announcing the ⚾2022 Cougar Baseball Camp⚾!

The Cordele-Crisp Carnegie Library is hosting its 2022 Library Summer Reading Club. See the information about the kick-off event and other summer events below:

Mr. Ricardo reading a book in Spanish and English to Marina Blanchard's 1st grade class and Kathy Gill's kindergarten class.

Mrs. Sloan’s class is enjoying our Countdown to Summer!!! Drop Everything and Read Camp Out!!

For RISING 4th grade students ONLY! We are excited to offer the opportunity for all current third graders at CCPS to visit CCES tomorrow, May 17, for a brief tour. Please see the attached flyer for additional important information.

Thank you PTO for the snow cones!! We really enjoyed scold treat on this beautiful warm day!! ☀️☀️

Mrs. Sloan's class sends their thanks to the PTO for allowing us to enjoy a Kona Ice!! They were thoroughly enjoyed!

ATTENTION PRE-K Parents: Join us 5/17 @ CCPS to learn about our Kindergarten program!

Parents of upcoming Kindergarten students please come join us at CCPS for a Day In the Life Of A Kindergartner!

Congratulations to Gina Worley for earning enough PBIS points by following the Cougar Way to purchase a hat day coupon in our PBIS teacher reward store!! Way to go!!

Ms. Blake and Ms. Chastity’s class earned their tenth piece of candy in our candy jar! We did this by being respectful and following the cougar way! We celebrated by wearing our favorite costumes 💙💛💫

CCPS Field Day 2022