Mrs. Ashley Ward’s class had a great time participating in a 3D Shape Sort with yummy snacks. We appreciate our supportive families for sending in all of the supplies!

In honor of Autism Awareness Month, CCPS teachers participated in a Door Decorating Contest. Community Members can vote on our Facebook page for their favorite door! 🧩🌟💙

Congratulations to the CCPS Staff Members of the Month for April! These two ladies have demonstrated PERSERVERANCE.
Ms. Syretta Smith (Kindergarten Virtual Teacher)
Ms. Kym Davis (3rd Grade Teacher)

Mrs. Monica Warren is a fearless leader that always puts the children first. She radiates happiness and joy! Crisp County Primary School is lucky to have such a fantastic principal. We appreciate your support, dedication, and drive. All the best really are at CCPS! 💙💛

We had so much fun today at our field trip to Empire Theatre to see Tangled! Thank you for having us!! (Wells 2nd)

Third grade students will take the Georgia Milestones Assessment next week. Mr. Ward along with a few second grade classes are cheering our friends on! Encourage your child to stop by Mr. Ward's room and take what they need! 💪🏼❤️

One of our Office Assistants for the day, Eden Hamilton. She cashed in her PBIS points!

Guinea pigs make great study buddies!
Patrice Lewis ( Mrs. Harris’ 2nd grade class) and Baby Lilly

Mrs. Sara Breedlove enjoyed a 30 minute off campus lunch by using her PBIS points.

Bad hair day? No worries. Mrs. Toni wore her hat for the day by using her PBIS rewards points.

Mrs. Shea Wells' class enjoyed an Easter egg hunt on Friday!

Mrs. Kate's class had OVER 400 Easter Eggs to find this afternoon! We think they did it in world record timing too!!!

Mrs. Sloan’s class had an EGG-cellent time hunting eggs and having an egg relay today!

Congratulations to our Chromebook Raffle Winner!

ATTENTION: CCPS is planning Summer School for our students. Please respond using the form below if you are interested in your child attending Summer School at CCPS. Many details at this time are unknown as we are in the planning phases. Here are the details we do know.
1) We will offer to all grade levels (K-3).
2) The program is June 1-June 30, Monday-Thursday only, 8:00-12:00.
3) Breakfast and Lunch will be served.
4) The format will be Face to Face.
5) Transportation will be provided.
6) We will focus on Math and Reading.
7) We will prioritize enrollment based on needs determined by our student data. All other slots will be filled on a first come, first served basis using collection results from this form.
Please respond using the form if you are interested in your child attending Summer School by Tuesday, April 19th at 5:00 PM. If you have multiple children at CCPS, you will need to complete this form for each child you are interested in attending Summer School. Thank you, Monica Warren

S’Niya Telfair showing some school spirit in Miss Kenyota’s class!!

Mrs. Harris' 2nd graders explored the playground to look for 2D shapes! What an adventure!

Mrs. Gabby's class are having fun practicing and eating how to add and subtract two digit numbers using tens and ones. We are using pretzel sticks to represent the tens and chocolate chips to represent the ones.

Ms. Shea Wells Second grade class enjoyed making their 2D shape monster.

Congratulations to our March Staff Members of the Month! Anna Hauesler is a first grade teacher and Edward Hammock is the 2/3 Assistant Principal. Both of them are very "Lively/Entertaining"! 🤪