Arrival and Dismissal
Please do not bring students to school before 7:30 a.m. There is no one on duty to
supervise students before this time.
School begins at 8:05. Each student should in in his/her classroom at that time.
All children must be dropped off at the designated areas during the designated times. We
have staff members on duty to ensure your child exits the vehicle and enters the building
safely. Parents/Guardians are not allowed to park and walk children into the building. All
families should use the drop-off lanes and remain in your vehicle.
Families will not be able to walk children to the classrooms, enter the building, or go to
the cafeteria, office, or lobby. We will have additional personnel in the front and back
areas to make sure your children safely make it to their classrooms.
Parent Pick-Up: Parent pick-up tags for vehicles will be distributed at the beginning of the school year. Anyone picking up a child must have a Parent Pick-Up tag. If you lose your tag or need an additional tag, please contact your child’s teacher or the front office. Dismissal begins at 3:00 pm and ends promptly at 3:30 pm.
Kindergarten/1st grade and all carpools with siblings in different grade levels will exit the front of the building.
2nd/3rd grade and all carpools with multiple siblings in 2nd and 3rd grade will exit from the rear of the building.
Buses begin to depart: Approximately 2:45 pm
Late Buses: Approximately 3:45 pm
CCSS Policy: ALL transportation changes must be made prior to 2:00 pm by phoning the front office at 229-276-3450. No changes can be made after 2:00 pm so please plan appointments and other business accordingly.