Ms. Kenyota and Ms. Erica’s tacky Christmas participants yesterday!

Third Grade Tacky Christmas Day Winners:
Class Winner: Wendy Dorsey

Mrs. Wells' class had the highest percentage of students wearing their Tackiest Christmas attire today for 2nd Grade.

2nd Grade Tacky Christmas Day Winners:
Individual Winners:
Red Picture -
2nd Grade is full of tacky Christmas spirit today!! The class winners for the "tackiest" Christmas attire are:
Ellie Barefoot
Caitlin Sinyard
Saige Williams
Claire Crenshaw
Cayden Carnes
Green Picture -
2nd Grade is full of tacky Christmas spirit today!! The class winners for the "tackiest" Christmas attire are:
Gabe Browning
Noah Wilson
Bella Lanier
Tristen Harris
Cassidy Baker

1st Grade Tacky Christmas Day Winners:
Classroom Winner:
All of Mrs. Marina Blanchard's first graders dressed up for Tacky Christmas Day!
Individual Winners:
Check out these festive first graders! These students were voted "Best Dressed" by their classmates for Tacky Christmas Day:
Kylie-Ann Bruining, Lilly Lucas, Cailyn Layfield, Reginald Lawrence, Kynnedi Curry, Riley Townsend, Omari Curtis, Abigail Rasmussen, Tinslee Sears, Sadie Carmichael, Makiyah Rockwell, Kayden Markos, Nova Weldon, and Keziah Allen

Kindergarten Tacky Christmas Day Winners:
Class Winners:
There was a tie for the class winners. McKinney and Kennedy had 75% of their class dress up.
These classes went all out for Tacky Christmas Dress-Up Day!
Individual Winners:
Check out our wackiest, tackiest kindergarteners. These students were classroom winners for today's dress-up day!
Khalil Butler (Cotton), Emily Masters (Willis), Madison McKever (McKinney), Savannah Davis (McAfee), McKenzie Beavers (Davis), Jordan Morgan (Humanes), Antoine Harris (Tyndal), Kemjika Walkers (Nelson), Ariyah Johnson (Carithers), Caroline Griffin (Gill), Max Rivero (Ford), Bailee Yarbrough (Willoughby), Paisley Lanier (Kennedy)


We earned our French Fry Party 🍟 by being safe in the classroom & outside!! We love fries!!!! Happy FRYday!!! (Castillo/Beard/Martinez)

We earned our dress-up day for following the zero voice level expectation for the hallway. #CougarWay (Davis/Williams)

CCPS Holiday Spirit Week 2021

Ms. Blake & Ms. Chastity’s class had fun tracing our letters today with our finger lights! Happy Friday! 💙💛

Having fun in the sun playing hot potato. Our class is learning to have fun with passing to our friends! Coach Tyler is Awesome! (Castillo/Beard/Martinez)

Mrs. Ragsdale’s class in 3rd grade earned a slime party for following the Cougar Code and being respectful to others.

Mrs. Bailey's 1st Grade class had read 200 books on EPIC!! Our top 5 readers are:
Kori- 65 Books
Landyn- 42 Books
Bryson- 22 Books
A'Siayah- 17 Books
Camden- 14 Books


Mrs. Kaye and Mrs. Carolyn's class enjoyed making vests, headbands, and necklaces to wear during our Thanksgiving Feast. Thanks to all of our parents for making this week happen!!! We hope you all had a blessed and Happy Thanksgiving.

Mrs. Kaye and Mrs. Carolyn's Class enjoyed Lucky Days. We enjoyed hearing from Mr. Ben Williams, Mr. Todd Barnette, Mr. Javaski Jackson, Sr., Mr. June Mobley, Mr. Chris Paul, Sr., and Mr. Travis Glover. We learned a lot from them that week, and enjoyed having them visit our classroom.

Mrs. Kaye and Mrs. Carolyn's Class enjoyed Lucky Days. We enjoyed hearing from Mr. Ben Williams, Mr. Todd Barnette, Mr. Javaski Jackson, Sr., Mr. June Mobley, Mr. Chris Paul, Sr., and Mr. Travis Glover. We learned a lot from them that week and enjoyed having them visit our classroom.


This week CCPS will be posting a week full of THANKFUL! Today, we are thankful for our COMMUNITY!