These kindergarteners are decked out in their pajamas!
Easton Rogers (Gill), Allyson Hale (Ford), Paris West (Willoughby), Logan Lamb (Kennedy), Zayden Faircloth (McKinney), Rashawn Redding (Willis), Greyson Gordon (Cotton), Evan Craig (Humanes), Caitlyn Legier (Carithers), Avagrace Clark (Davis), Raelynn King (Tyndal), Damone Williams (Nelson)

Holiday Hat Day in Mrs. Hubbard's class!

First grade winners for Polar Express pajama day!

Ms. Rainey's class and Ms. Blanchard's class had 100% participation for pajama day today!

Ms. Kate’s 2nd grade class! They are loving their early Christmas presents from Ms. Kate, a book & a blanket. The perfect gift on PJ day!

Mrs. Butler's class built elf traps as a project to go with our writing topic, "How to catch an elf."

"HATS" off to these two kindergarten classes! They each had 100% participation for Holiday Hat Day!
McKinney and Cotton

Second grade individual and classroom holiday hat winners.

These Kindergarten students are showing their holiday spirit by wearing their favorite Christmas headgear!
Tristen Coley (Kennedy), Teshanti Jones (McKinney), Cannon Ward (Willis), Ju'Shon Hill (Cotton), Marilyn Guined (Humanes), Caleb Rackard (Nelson),
Joctavious Outlaw (Davis), Eli Molkey (Tyndal), Zymeir Dumas (Carithers), Ethan Nelson (Willoughby), Caroline Griffin (Gill), Atlas Subramaniam (Ford)

Look at these adorable holiday hats!
Third Grade Winners: Raelyn Farmer, AJarvis Thomas, Ayden Bryant, Christian Boone, Trinity Sills, Lyric Hughes, Bentley Gilliam, Nova Banda, Dayton Fortson, Chloe Lofton, Hollie Yawn, Makayla Mallory
Class Winner (Highest Participation): Mrs. Bush

Ms. Blake and Mrs. Chasity's Kindergarten class were "huntin'" for Rudolph and Santa yesterday!

Mrs. Marina Blanchard's class had the highest percentage of students wearing camo in first grade yesterday!

Mrs. Hubbard's third graders were hard to spot dressed in their camo yesterday!

Hard to spot today! They were all dressed in their camo in hopes to be hidden enough to spot Santa! Our Second grade Class winner for most participants goes to Mrs. Wells.

These 2nd graders came to school ready to hunt for Santa and his reindeer! Best dressed Camo class winners are:
Brantley Thomas
Elliot Alexander
Ayden Green
Emily Helms
Cason Stephens
Dallas Boyles
Bella Lanier
Sawyer Masters
Kayla Nguyen
Jake Atkins

Third Grade Camoflauge Hunting For Santa and his Reindeer Winners:
Class Winner: Suzanne Bush

Mrs. Shenika and Mrs. Pitts Kindergarten class are all dressed up for Christmas Spirit week.

These first graders are all geared up to hunt for Santa and his reindeer! Class best dressed winners are: Ansley Purdy, Abigail Rasmussen, Varonica Jackson, Jonathan Handley, Braxley Christmas, Briley Eidenire, Taylor Hughes, Anistyn Ellis, Kayden Markos, Ethan Nguyen, Cyrenity Hamilton, Holden Pullen, Landyn Hammonds, and Tyler Powell.

Ms. Tyndal and Ms. Brittany's Kindergarten class had the highest percentage of students wearing their camouflage today. Hunting for Santa and his Reindeer.

Mrs. Ragsdale's third graders are hunting for Santa and his reindeer!