Mrs. Sloan’s class enjoyed graphing Lucky Charms for St. Patrick’s Day! We also tried to see how high we could stack our cereal in only two minutes!!!

Mrs. Anna Hausler's class made leprechaun traps! ☘️🍀

The Cordele Kiwanis Club will be hosting a Talent Show on June 14, 2022 during the 🍉Watermelon Festival. Please see the application below if you are interested in performing.

March 14 (3.14) is Pi Day for all of our math folks...or Pie Day if you'd rather enjoy a treat! #piday

Today we made personal Thundercakes inspired by our book this week Thundercake by Patricia Polacco. Mrs. Dorsey’s class, 3rd Grade

Today we had a treat as we read “One Duck Stuck” By: Jane Chapman

Attention! Donate Blood at CCPS on Tuesday, March 15!

We don't like green eggs and ham, Sam I am!

We enjoyed our pizza and breadstick party for earning 20 marbles following the Cougar Way!

Ms. Burke's third grade "Things" for Read Across America Week! #readacrossamerica

Congratulations to our February Students of the Month. These students were chosen for exhibiting the character trait of KINDNESS.

Join us in celebrating 🌽Farm Week🚜 2022!

Mrs. Sloan’s class discovered it takes more of their feet than Mrs. Sloan’s feet to measure the same distance!!

Crisp County School System Job Fair! Saturday, March 19 from 10:00AM-2:00PM

Mrs. Sloan’s class enjoyed Kailee reading One Fish Two Fish to us today for Read Across America week!!

Congratulations to the February Staff Members of the Month!

Ms. Kathy’s and Ms. Brittany’s class enjoyed their dance party!

We celebrated earning 10 hearts in our “kindness bucket” with a stuffed animal party! 💙💛 Kennedy & Duque & Ms. Kaylee

Happy "Twosday" from Mrs. Ethridge's class!

Mrs. Ashley and Mrs. Winky’s class enjoyed a snow day for following the Cougar Way. We had snow cones and a snowball fight!